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Thomas Demand. Room (Zimmer). 1996

ferris wheel slip

This artifact is very special to me…I had this on when I was working at the carnival…ok...at the carnival...they have carnival weddings...which means…at the top of the Ferris wheel…if you have sex...

the guy throws something down that the girl is wearing and that means they had sex at the top of the Ferris wheel and that is “a carnie wedding…” so...I had sex in this pink skirt at the top of the Ferris wheel and then this skirt was thrown off the top of the Ferris wheel to the ground below where all the other “carnies” - people who work and travel with the carnival ...were waiting and cheering...it was pretty wild…under the stars...up high like that...

and scary...so…

because of that… “carnie wedding” …we were officially married for the summer ….but sex couldn’t get any better that…in a way and in a way it got a lot better …when I think about it….

because I mean we were in a Ferris wheel car…so we couldn’t really rock the car...you know?

Yeah, I came in it...it’s authentic…of course...but was it the best orgasm I ever had? Certainly the most unusual...but not the best…because, well, the truth is I was kind of afraid to move up there...but...it was still special.

Carnie weddings are always special.

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